Recreating and also transforming a brand known for many years in the service-learning industry
About Amizade
Amizade is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. It empowers individuals and communities through worldwide service and learning. It has a 25-year record of cooperating with communities on service that local individuals and organizations define and direct. Our volunteers work directly with people in developing communities to identify issues, design and implement service projects, and ensure a sustainable progression of development.
Amizade means friendship in Portuguese
Amizade means friendship in Portuguese
Information source: Amizade
+ My Tasks in the Project
Creative Direction • Graphic Design • Visual Identity

The background
In 2014, Amizade is celebrating its 20th anniversary. To celebrate this new phase, Amizade wanted a logo to keep its essence of global service-learning, and at the same time, to show everyone how the nonprofit is keeping up with all changes in the world.
In 2014, Amizade is celebrating its 20th anniversary. To celebrate this new phase, Amizade wanted a logo to keep its essence of global service-learning, and at the same time, to show everyone how the nonprofit is keeping up with all changes in the world.

The several changes developed throughout the last 20 years.
The concept
The main icon was preserved, but with a few adjustments to balance its weight. The old typgraphy gives place to a new one, specifically chosen for a digital era.
The main icon was preserved, but with a few adjustments to balance its weight. The old typgraphy gives place to a new one, specifically chosen for a digital era.

"Roboto has a dual nature. It has a mechanical skeleton and the forms are largely geometric. At the same time, the font features friendly and open curves. While some grotesks distort their letterforms to force a rigid rhythm, Roboto doesn’t compromise, allowing letters to be settled into their natural width. This makes for a more natural reading rhythm more commonly found in humanist and serif types."
Roboto Slab was created by Christian Robertson

In 2017, the organization officially dropped the words "Global Service-Learning" from its name and became Amizade.
My role
I headed this project in partnership with the Amizade staff, in particular with the executive director of the organization. This redesign project was the kickstart to a series of printed and online materials with the intent of establishing a new brand identity to the organization. Acting as a swiss army-knife, I re-imagined packaging models, t-shirts, videos, banners, among other items. We came up with an Amizade experience where the participant would know that something big was about to happen the moment that they signed up for a global service-learning experience with Amizade.
Amizade's Participant Journal was one of the starting points to rebrand the organization.

Find more about Amizade at the following links: www.amizade.org • faceboook.com/amizadeGSL