Logo and visual identity created for The Global Switchboard's Hub + Spoke
Helping create an interactive fundraiser event by creating a wide range of visual materials
About The Global Switchboard
The Global Switchboard is an organization committed to bridging local and global concerns in the Pittsburgh area. We focus on transforming the Pittsburgh region into a more globally engaged and equitable community, a place where all people value diversity, practice empathy, and work together to create a more just and peaceful world.
Source: www.theglobalswitchboard.org
The project
The Global Switchboard's Hub + Spoke was an interactive fundraiser event that gathered organizations in the Pittsburgh area to promote global engagement to its audience. The event took place at the Ace Hotel in 2018 and welcomed more than 300 guests in one night. They navigated through six different sections to learn more about what these organizations are doing to make Pittsburgh more global and better for everyone in the city.
My Role
As part of the team, I designed the logo and the visual identity, following the Switchboard's brand book. I created different promotional pieces across the board, from print, social media, to displays informing the sections at the event. The goal was to give uniformity to the whole event, helping create a unique experience to the audience.
+ My Tasks in the Project
Visual Identity • Graphic Design • Videography • Video Editing
+ Collaborators
Creative Direction: Nathan Darity and Alaa Mohammed

One of the first meetings to organize the event. As part of the team, I also documented the process and created videos to promote it on social media.

One of the first brochures created for the event, in an attempt to reach out to sponsors. This mockup also presents one of the first logos designed for the event, that later was replaced for the one at the top of this page.

A flyer created for Hub + Spoke with a summary of what the event would present.

Screen displays to inform the audience about each section.

Slideshow for the keynote speaker.
A video created for social media. Screenplay: Arthur Alexander, Nathan Darity, and Alaa Mohammed; Videography and Editing: Arthur Alexander.